I stumbled across this article. Why Mom's Time Is Different From Dad's Time
It takes me 30-minutes to an hour to get Liam to sleep at night. And then sometimes 5 minutes of Dad time. Last night during bedtime Jason vacuumed. It doesn't take long to vacuum, and I really really hate doing it, but I would have rather vacuumed then nursed Liam to sleep. (And he didn't need Dad last night.)
I find that some points of the article to be true. But not completely related to my household. While I do a lot of putting to bed (I have the boobs afterall to do it,) Jason will have helped with bathtime and/or changing him into PJs and a nighttime diapers. Then while I'm sitting in the nursery playing Candy Crush and nursing Liam, Jason will finish cleaning up the kitchen or like last night, vacuum. He's also in charge of trash so Wednesday night he'll get that ready and out the door.
I'm on Level 425 in Candy Crush. I'm over 100 levels ahead of Jason, who used to be ahead of me (before September.) I estimate I spend over an hour a day playing Candy Crush, and another two hours or so online reading crap (really, it's crap), and looking at Facebook. I wish my FB were online as much as I am during the day. I base all these numbers on the fact that I spend around average 2.5 hours a day nursing and and 30 minutes pumping.
I used to feel very overwhelmed because I wasn't able to accomplish anything during the day, except keeping Liam clean and fed. But now, with his longer sleep schedule and nap times, I have some time to clean up the kitchen, do laundry, and even MOP. I also have a little more time to blog and job search.
And today's naptime was a big fail. Took an hour and a half to get him to sleep.....for an hour... and he's up.
But he's adorable.
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