So the end of week 2 Jason had lost 12.6 pounds and 8 inches. I had lost 11.4 pounds and 7 inches.
Phase 3: Restore
Hopefully, your first two weeks on the Beachbody Ultimate Reset had profoundly positive effects on your body. You've stepped out of your comfort zone in learning to think about food in a new way, eating and shopping for ingredients you may never have heard of before (wakame seaweed, anyone?), and introduced new supplements into your daily regimen.
During this final phase, you'll adjust your diet once again. You’ll cut back on grains and consume mainly fruits and vegetables—for fiber and further alkalinization, and to provide your body with pure, whole foods that are of high nutritional value and are easily absorbed. Right now, that may sound tough . . . but once you've tuned up your body, the food you do eat will satisfy you more (you'll find that fruit tastes like candy!)
In Phase 3 you’ll also be introduced to your final supplement—a pre- and probiotic called Revitalize—which will restore healthy bacteria to your freshly scrubbed digestive tract (this is very important, and often neglected in cleanse programs).
In summary, Phase 3 is all fruits and veggies. No grains. I'd kill someone for a piece of bread at this point. I just sniffed my coworker's toast. I'm getting desperate people. If this program was 4 weeks I wouldn't survive.
Monday Day 15 - Prepping takes up a lot of time. On Sunday Jason prepped a lot of fruit for our breakfasts, and then while I was juggling kiddos during bedtimes he prepped the salads. I helped prepped a little, but as he said - it's easier to see what I didn't do then what I did do. Monday evening we were still prepping. The good news is that the rest of the week, except for chopping some lettuce, another pineapple, and cantaloupe, all the prepping is complete!! The meals will be easy peasy these next couple days. And I think we're going to switch to paper plates because wow, we do a lot of dishes!
Tuesday Day 16 - Wow. I'm trying to be positive, but it's hard. Today I cheated. I've been doing the Reset in a Crunch which is a simplified meal plan. Aside from breakfast, you choose one of three lunch or dinner choices. For lunch, the two choices I prefer is a Spinach Salad with Sweet Potato or Greek Salad with Miso Soup. I couldn't do the soup again. So I did the Greek Salad and Sweet Potato. (Oh no! Call the food police!!). Then for dinner our choices are Garlic Veggies or the Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque - which you also get a side of soup with. Soup, with soup? No thanks. So I added some avocado to my soup and called it good.
All in all? My cheats? Aren't really anything I'm going to concern myself with. We still have cookies and chips and ice cream in the house and I'm not eating those.
Friday Day 19 - Today for lunch I had the greek salad (with homemade miso dressing) and the hearty vegetable miso soup. I was very hungry this morning and even after lunch was still super hungry. Tonight's dinner is garlic veggies. Jason is going to grill his again and I'm going to saute mine on the stove.
Today was VERY hard. The weekend, the last two days of the program. My husband and I ate what we were supposed to because we don't want to quit these last two days. I'm getting sick of fruit though.
Sunday Day 21 - It's Easter Sunday. Note to self - start program on a Saturday or Sunday so you can pig out on Day 22 and enjoy a nice Easter dinner!. :) Just kidding! I'm kinda glad that today is Day 21. I won't be tempted to pig out on candy or ham or potatoes. I do look forward to making deviled eggs with our dyed Easter eggs. I'm going to make them healthy though - no mayo in mine.
We had more fruit for breakfast. Soooooo done with fruit. I had a nice salad and miso soup for lunch, and then only had Garlic Veggies for dinner. Portion wise, it was HUGE. But it was leftover and I'm not planning on eating them for a couple weeks.
I did drink Shakeology mid-day, and I also had a handful of cashews. During my final summary I plan to discuss the "cheats" I had during the 21 Days. But as mentioned above, my cheats are actual things that are allowed that week. I wasn't eating sweets or extras.
We had more fruit for breakfast. Soooooo done with fruit. I had a nice salad and miso soup for lunch, and then only had Garlic Veggies for dinner. Portion wise, it was HUGE. But it was leftover and I'm not planning on eating them for a couple weeks.
I did drink Shakeology mid-day, and I also had a handful of cashews. During my final summary I plan to discuss the "cheats" I had during the 21 Days. But as mentioned above, my cheats are actual things that are allowed that week. I wasn't eating sweets or extras.
So how did we do? Sorry, you have to wait until Tuesday!!! Including our before and after pictures! I can't wait to see how they turned out.
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